Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reading My Way Through 2011

I love to read. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say, I “used” to love to read. One husband and 2 kids later, I feel like I have forgotten the joys of books.
They never have to be recharged.
They don’t have to be put on mute.
You can carry it anywhere.
But I find that the busier life gets, the less I read, Which seems to make my brain more cluttered. Reading a book will cut through the noise in my head and bring my thoughts to clarity.
So, I decided to blog my way through reading this year. I want to journal my experience with each book and process it’s life-changing (or not) affect in my life.
I am excited about my first book: SECONDHAND JESUS. Here is an Amazon link . I know the author from ORU, where I went to college. We didn’t “know” each other like good buddies or anything, but I “knew” him from acquaintance. Anyway, I am so very, very excited to read it

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